
Holden Caulfield

from Hyde Park, NY

Also known as:
  • Osmael R Paul

Holden Caulfield Phones & Addresses

  • Hyde Park, NY
  • Shenandoah, PA
  • Brooklyn, NY


J. D. Salinger

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… In 1951 his novel The Catcher in the Rye was an immediate popular success. His depiction of adolescent alienation and loss of innocence in the protagonist Holden Caulfield was influential, especially among adolescent readers.[4] The novel remains widely read and controversial,[5] selling ar...

Holden Caulfield

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Holden Morrissey Caulfield is a fictional character, the protagonist of J.D. Salinger's 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye. ...

The Catcher in the Rye

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The first-person narrative follows Holden Caulfield's experiences in New York City in the days following his expulsion from Pencey Prep, a fictional college ...


Holden Caulfield Photo 1

Exotic Dancer

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Exotic Dancer
Holden Caulfield Photo 2

Material Handling At Rye Demolition Ltd

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Rye Demolition Ltd
Material Handling at Rye Demolition Ltd
Holden Caulfield Photo 3

Holden Caulfield

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Holden Caulfield Photo 4

Holden Caulfield

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Holden Caulfield Photo 5

Holden Caulfield

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United States
Holden Caulfield Photo 6

Holden Caulfield

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United States
Holden Caulfield Photo 7

Holden Caulfield

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United States
Holden Caulfield Photo 8

Holden Caulfield

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United States


Holden Caulfield Photo 9

Holden Caulfield

New York, New York
Ilay Silkov - Catcher in the Rye
Pencey Prep, Whooton School, Elkton Hills
Walking a world of hypocrites and phonies and all.
Holden Caulfield Photo 10

Holden Caulfield

New York, New York
Whooton School, Pencey Prep, Elkton Hills
I have gone through a lot over the course of a couple of days. Learning and growing into an adult has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life. There were many obstacles in my way for...
Your all around child in a man's body
Bragging Rights:
I have a best selling book about the scaring events of a few days of my teenage years.
Holden Caulfield Photo 11

Holden Caulfield

None - N/a
Pencey Prep - High school
Hi, I'm Holden Caulfield. I get side tracked alot, like the other day I was thinking about how phony movies were and it jumped to thinking about where the ducks go when the lake in central park fr...
Hi, My name is Holden Caulfield, and I hate phonies.
Bragging Rights:
I was The Time person of the year. I'm a great liar.
Holden Caulfield Photo 12

Holden Caulfield

New York, NY
Linos milk market - Sales associate
Pency prep
Holden Caulfield Photo 13

Holden Caulfield

Gente Excelente Inc - Cofundador (2004)
Petiso Potosi Corporation - Adjunto a Gerencia (1994)
País de pantomima...
Holden Caulfield Photo 14

Holden Caulfield

New York, New York
Pencey, NJ
I don't really even know why I am doing this profile thing.  Old sally said it would be a good idea, I just don't get it.  I don't pretend to care about other people, why do others have to...
Bragging Rights:
Just trying to make it to wherever I am going
Holden Caulfield Photo 15

Holden Caulfield

Holden Caulfield Photo 16

Holden Caulfield

Work: - Reverser/programmer


Holden Caulfield Photo 17


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Holden Caulfield Photo 18

Holden Caulfield

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Los Angeles, California
Holden Caulfield Photo 19

Holden Caulfield

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Holden Caulfield Photo 20

Holden Caulfield

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Holden Caulfield Photo 21

Caulfield Holden Salt La...

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Caulfield Holden (Salt Lake City, UT)
Holden Caulfield Photo 22

Holden Caulfield Anchora...

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J.d. Salinger, E-Book Holdout, Joins The Digital Revolution

J.D. Salinger, E-Book Holdout, Joins the Digital Revolution

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  • n an essay published in The Guardian earlier this month, the novelist Dana Czapnik wrote of students and teachers who arent as enamored of Holden Caulfield, the phony-hating protagonist of The Catcher in the Rye, as previous generations, and an Electric Literature article published last year sugg
  • Date: Aug 11, 2019
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Source: Google
Open The Vaults: Unpublished Salinger Work To Be Released

Open the vaults: Unpublished Salinger work to be released

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  • A 2013 documentary and book by Shane Salerno and David Shields cited two independent and separate sources in predicting five new works. One of the Salinger books would center on Catcher protagonist Holden Caulfield and his family. Others would draw on Salingers World War II years and his immers
  • Date: Feb 02, 2019
  • Category: Headlines
  • Source: Google
In Coming-Of-Age Movies, Not Everyone Can Afford To Find Themselves

In Coming-Of-Age Movies, Not Everyone Can Afford To Find Themselves

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  • Just as its almost impossible to think of popular narrative fiction without thinking of individualism and coming-of-age stories, its hard to think of American culture without characters like Huck Finn, Holden Caulfield, Scout Finch, and, more recently, Oscar Wao. Its also hard to picture modern A
  • Date: Jan 02, 2018
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Source: Google

Long Island -- And Beyond -- Says Goodbye to Lil Peep, the Outsider Star Who Rejected 'The Box'

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  • I learned from Hartmann that Peep, like so many of us before him, took to Catcher in the Rye. I like him," he told Hartmann, referring to the books main character, Holden Caulfield. And thats when I when I learned that Gus was connecting with a fictional character who was a little lost in his c
  • Date: Dec 03, 2017
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Source: Google
Netflix's '13 Reasons Why' Vs. The Book Shows Just How Much The Story Has Expanded

Netflix's '13 Reasons Why' Vs. The Book Shows Just How Much The Story Has Expanded

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  • When Dollar Valentine's roll around, the Clay of the book treats the whole thing as a joke filling his form out as though he was Holden Caulfield from The Catcher In The Rye. On the show, he takes it seriously but doesn't "get any good matches".
  • Date: Mar 31, 2017
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Source: Google
Have A Truthful Christmas

Have A Truthful Christmas

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  • he Church Lady from Saturday Night Live, as played by Dana Carvey, uttering her iconic line, Well, isnt that special! The other was Holden Caulfield, anti-hero of Catcher in the Rye, speaking to his starry-eyed pal Sally Hayes as they watched the Rockettes stage their annual Christmas show at Rad
  • Date: Dec 16, 2016
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Source: Google
17 Years After Columbine, The Mother Of One Of The Killers Finally Tells Her Story

17 years after Columbine, the mother of one of the killers finally tells her story

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  • now feel differently. I find the violence and hatred seething off the page in Erics journals almost unreadably dark. Or as Andrew Solomon, author of The Noonday Demon, suggests in the books introduction: Eric was a failed Hitler; Dylan was a failed Holden Caulfield.
  • Date: Feb 13, 2016
  • Source: Google
Compelling New Bernie Sanders Ad Features Eric Garner's Daughter

Compelling new Bernie Sanders ad features Eric Garner's daughter

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  • campus," but just some guy. "Who are his enemies even going to be? Phil from accounting?" Colbert asked. "It might as well be called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Prostate." If that's not downer enough, watch and see Colbert predict the futures of Holden Caulfield and the Narnia kids. Peter Weber
  • Date: Feb 12, 2016
  • Category: U.S.
  • Source: Google


Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?

Green Day at Fuse Comp'd Who Wrote Holden Caulfield? and credits.

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    22 Jun, 2006
  • Duration:
    1m 32s

Green Day - Who Wrote Holden Caufield?

From Kerplunk :D

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    27 Aug, 2009
  • Duration:
    2m 46s

Bodi Bill - I Like Holden Caulfield

P+C Sinnbus 2008 / Directed by Jan Zabeil www.bodibill....

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    30 Apr, 2008
  • Duration:
    4m 20s

Holden Caulfield: A Documentary

This is a film regarding JD Salinger's effect on American society and ...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    10 Mar, 2010
  • Duration:
    9m 58s

Holden Caulfield - Hailey Wojcik

This is my song "Holden Caulfield" . . . I made this little video whil...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    13 Aug, 2008
  • Duration:
    4m 10s

Holden Caulfield: The Original Vlogger

Happy Halloween! This year I decided to go as Holden Caulfield from Th...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    31 Oct, 2008
  • Duration:


Holden Caulfield Photo 23

Holden Caulfield

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Blessed Sacrament School Los Angeles CA 1994-1998
Annie Cikler, Anthony Leoni, Patrick Meiklejohn, Sylvia Valentino, Denise Hurtado
Holden Caulfield Photo 24

Holden Caulfield

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North Warren High School Blairstown NJ 1971-1975
Mark Carra, Gary Hackenburg, Donna Flyte, Roxane Cooper, Sue Ritchie
Holden Caulfield Photo 25

Holden Caulfield

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Wylie E. Groves High School Beverly Hills MI 1958-1962
Michael Sinclair, Peggy Gillespie, Craig Sutton
Holden Caulfield Photo 26

Holden Caulfield

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Menchville High School Denbigh VA 1994-1998, Woodside High School Newport News VA 1996-1998
Holden Caulfield Photo 27

Holden Caulfield (Bevill)

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Santa Fe Community School Santa Fe NM 1980-1981, Mountain School Flagstaff AZ 1986-1990, Kino High School Tucson AZ 1991-1994
Holden Caulfield Photo 28

Find people: Holden Caulf...

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Holden Caulfield Photo 29

Wylie E. Groves High Scho...

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Maria Cahill (1984-1988),
Joelle Addison (1998-2002),
Holden Caulfield (1958-1962),
Suzanne Bitkowski (1978-1982)
Holden Caulfield Photo 30

Menchville High School, D...

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Holden Caulfield (1994-1998),
Lisa Smith (1978-1982),
Tina Hadley (1986-1989),
Regina McGinnis (1974-1978)

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