2012 to 2000 FounderLACONIA VENTURES New York, NY 2011 to 2014 Associate, Early-Stage Media/TechnologyTHE BLACKSTONE GROUP New York, NY 2010 to 2010 Financial Reporting Analyst, Alternative Asset Management (BAAM)J.P. MORGAN New York, NY 2008 to 2010 Trading Analyst, Structured ProductsMERRILL LYNCH New York, NY Jun 2007 to Aug 2007 Intern, Media & Telecom GroupERNST & YOUNG LLP Atlanta, GA 2005 to 2006 Intern, Assurance and Advisory Business Services (AABS)
CORNELL UNIVERSITY Ithaca, NY 2015 MBA in FinanceGEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Atlanta, GA 2007 Bachelor of Science in Management/Finance