age ~66
from Palm Bay, FL
2018 US Open Mens 65 Open Division Game 1: 15-14 Game 2: 15-7.
2018 Arizona State Singles Men's 60+ Mike Lubbers vs Frank Taddonio.
OUTLINE: 0:00 - Introduction 4:39 - What is Judo? 12:27 - Travis's sig...
Jim Taddonio gets his first flight on November 11th, 2017 with his pow...
Song: We Can Survive (Hold On) Artist: Cristina Taddonio Album: W3K - ...
In this segment of the BJJ Fanatics Podcast, Olympic Judo Silver Medal...
My name is Travis Stevens. I'm an Olympic Silver Medalist in the sport...
Bio-Tech stocks: the Good and the bad. Dux talks about what to watch f...