Lennox International Wilmington, NC 2009 to 2010W.A. Smith Charlotte, NC 2007 to 2008 Project manager doing service work and installations and startLane Valente Raleigh, NC 2002 to 2007 Office Worked as service supervisor
Beckett McDowell with Jack Ryan Sullivan & Mi...
Wow!!! Beckett McDowell with Jack Ryan Sullivan and Michael Lemmo jamm...
4m 49s
Norman Rockwell's Political Art
Norman Rockwell is known for his paintings which, many people will say...
11m 17s
A Place I'd Rather Be
Provided to YouTube by Routenote A Place I'd Rather Be Steven Pridemo...
2m 41s
The Exchange's Listening Room presents the No...
As part of its mission to bring the arts to all communities throughout...
1h 41m 1s
Michael Lemmo & Henny Hendrexz - Cohencaster ...
Wow! Wow! Wow! #JamSession with these two amazing guitarist, Michael L...
6m 3s
Gallagher Doc Watson Model | Guitar of the Day
Happy #FlatTopFriday!!... Welcome to a new episode of #GuitarOfTheDay...