Medical School Harvard Medical School Graduated: 1994
Rhinoplasty Sinus Surgery Skull/Facial Bone Fractures and Dislocations Tonsillectomy or Adenoidectomy Tracheostomy Tympanoplasty Hearing Evaluation Inner Ear Tests Myringotomy and Tympanotomy
Miami, florida Montreal , Canada New York City Hollywood,florida
Florida Memorial University - COMMUNICATION, Lindsey Hopkins
New york city march the 3rd oldest great resume and wonderful friend and a reality show waiting to happen is my family and close friends they got lots of personality and know how to get the job then,...
Bragging Rights:
When you have met someone famous, you are famous lol
Serge Jean
Serge Jean
Serge Jean
Hollywood florida
Beverlyboy - Producer (1980) Demo entertainment - Assitant director Cyclop media - Producer Rainfores tmedia - Assitant director