Farid Sabet, M.D. Behavioral Medicine Solutions - We are most vulnerable at times of illness. Proper psychiatric care is a powerful tool to assist us to regain our ...
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... ////////////////... ...
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BaazCast 31 (Farid Rohani) ( )
1h 26m 1s
Farid Sabet (M.d.)
Psychiatric medicine specializes in the treatment of disorders of anxiety, mood, attention (such as adult ADD and adult ADHD), and thought. These are conditions that arise from the interaction between brain disorders and environmental stressors, with symptoms surfacing in many ways such as pain associated with fibromyalgia. Advancing studies of these disorders result in effective therapies that give us reasons to hope that suffering from a condition will be treatable.
Dr. Sabet believes in treating the whole person, taking into account the interaction between the biological, psychosocial, and spiritual or existential dimensions. He uses all treatment modalities fro...
Behavioral Medicine Solutions http://www.faridsabetmd.com
Bragging Rights:
Cleveland Clinic trained and Board Certified in Psychiatry by the American Boards of Psychiatry and Neurology, Dr. Sabet has been in practice over 20 years in northeast Ohio. Patients will benefit from his wide range of experience, and his emphasis on the practice of integrative medicine. Men are especially comfortable with his practice style, but as the father of three successful daughters, Dr. Sabet’s understanding of women’s issues is superb. He has a particular interest in college students and young adults. He is a respected resource for Independent Medical Examinations.