
Doug Stoiber

from Madison, WI

Doug Stoiber Phones & Addresses

  • Madison, WI


Doug Stoiber Photo 1

Doug Stoiber

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Madison, WI
Sixty Nine
Head of Head Distribution and Receiving
Ursuline High School 1976 - 1977
Doug Stoiber Photo 2

Doug Stoiber

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Doug Stoiber Photo 3

North High School, Sheboy...

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Douglas Stoiber (1983-1987),
Becky Johnson (1998-2002),
Kim Bellinder (1998-2002),
Elizabeth Schaub (1973-1977),
Paul Schoemer (1959-1963)
Doug Stoiber Photo 4

North High School, Sheboy...

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Christine Pintor (1992-1996),
Jennifer Martin (1994-1998),
Annette Brendel (1997-2001),
Douglas Stoiber (1983-1987),
Eileen Hoffman (1959-1963)


Doug Stoiber Photo 5

Doug Stoiber

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Mark Suddreth, Bill Carney, Erika Williams Dellos, Lonnie de Asis, Stan Byrdy


From Me To You

Testing out new microphone and camera for ukulele duets.

  • Duration:
    2m 45s

Moods for Moderns

You don't have to watch this, especially if you are an EC fan.

  • Duration:
    2m 54s

Tuesdays at Ten

An original composition, written for my old Wilson Seniors Ukulele club.

  • Duration:
    1m 16s

Ukulele Jam

My own original tune.

  • Duration:
    1m 52s

Honey Pie

ukulele song.

  • Duration:
    3m 19s

That's an Irish Lullaby

A bedtime song for Faye and Audrey.

  • Duration:
    2m 52s


Doug Stoiber Photo 6

Doug Stoiber

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Raleigh, NCVice President, Produce Transportation Operations... Past: Regional Produce Marketing Manager at US Foodservice Vice president of a $100M transportation logistics company based in Raleigh, responsible for business development in the refrigerated/produce category, with... Vice president of a $100M transportation logistics company based in Raleigh, responsible for business development in the refrigerated/produce category, with oversight of operations for two produce divisions, plus three companion office teams in St. Augustine FL, Visalia CA, and Nogales AZ. ...
Doug Stoiber Photo 7

Doug Stoiber's Public

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Doug Stoiber's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Doug Stoiber keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, keep each other's contact data up-to-date, ...

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