James Bob, Cheryl Appleton, Beth Patterson, Brenda Pippin, Judy Fletcher, Shirley Pendergraft, Bruce Barton, Vickie Hendrix, Larry Hendrix, Ginny Kinney
NFL apparently had no proof of PED use beyond the claims of Charles Sly
ecause the Al Jazeera report implicated Peyton Manning and in turn became a national sensation, the NFL felt compelled to explore the rabbit hole even after determining that the person making the accusations, former Guyer Institute intern/employee/whatever Charles Sly, was not credible as to Peyton
The NFL had been trying to set up the interview with Harrison through the NFLPA since the beginning of the year after a December report by the now-defunct Al-Jazeera America network in which a source, Charles Sly, allegedly told an undercover reporter that Harrison uses a banned performance-enhancin
Date: Aug 25, 2016
Category: Sports
Source: Google
NFLPA letter regarding PED investigation chides NFL for “public shaming” and bullying of players
Nevertheless, Harrison has agreed to be interviewed to answer NFL investigators questions about the only remarks about him in the Al-Jazeera report, which consists of Charles Sly saying Harrison is a fking beast, that Sly supplied him with some stuff, and that Harrison specifically takes De
Date: Aug 18, 2016
Category: Sports
Source: Google
James Harrison submits sworn affidavit to NFL denying Charles Sly's allegations
In the affidavit, a copy of which PFT has obtained, Harrison denies having communications with Charles Sly by email, text message or otherwise, denies knowing him, denies being supplied with D-2 or Delta-2, denies ingesting Delta-2, and denies every violating the PED policy.Along with the affidavit, the NFLPA submitted to the NFL a list of the total references to Harrison in the Al Jazeera documentary. Charles Sly, in five lines of dialogue with an undercover reporter, says that Harrison has been supplied with some stuff and that Harrisontakes D-2.
Date: Jul 12, 2016
Category: Sports
Source: Google
NFLPA sends James Harrison affidavit to NFL denying claims in Al-Jazeera report
Since he doesn't know Sly, Harrison says has "not had email, text messaging or other communications with Charles Sly" and has "never been supplied with a substance called 'D-2' or Delta-2' that the person who appears to be named Charles Sly refers to in the Al Jazeera report."
Date: Jul 12, 2016
Category: Sports
Source: Google
Steelers' James Harrison denies PED use in affidavit sent to NFL
"As a professional athlete, I have met thousands of people during my career," Harrison wrote in the affidavit, "but to the best of my knowledge and recollection, I have never met with the individual who is apparently named Charles Sly ..."
Zimmerman believes trainer Jason Riley is how his name got linked to pharmacist Charles Sly, who was featured in the documentary. Sly recanted his statements about Zimmerman, Howard and Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning taking human growth hormone before the documentary aired.
Date: Feb 24, 2016
Category: Sports
Source: Google
Peyton Manning Hired Private Investigators to Track Down Source Before HGH Story Went Public
A little more than two weeks later, they locked in on the likely source for the claims against Manning: Charles Sly. According to the Post, the Guyer Institute locked in on him as the most likely source based on the Al-Jazeera letter, which alleged that Peyton Manning and his wife visited the clinic