Cornell University - Ithaca, New York Area since Jul 2012
PhD Candidate
UC Davis Medical Center - Imaging Research Center - Sacramento, California Area Mar 2011 - Jun 2012
Computer Lab Management Apr 2010 - Jun 2012
Administrative Support
National Science Foundation - REU on Imaging and Biomarkers - Texas A&M University May 2011 - Aug 2011
Undergraduate Researcher
Cornell University 2012 - 2017
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Biomedical/Medical Engineering
University of California, Davis 2008 - 2012
Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering
Matlab AutoCAD Autodesk Inventor Labview Clinical Research Laboratory Research Bacterial Culture Linux Inventor Laboratory Biomedical Engineering Biomaterials
Honor & Awards:
- Semi-finalist, Microsoft Imagine Cup United States Software Design Competition to address UN Development Goals (2011)
- Finalist, Principled Business Leadership Institute Case Competition (2011)
- Northern California Laborers Scholarship Recipient
- Dean's Honor List
NSF Fellow National Science Foundation NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
Corinthian Colleges - San Antonio, Texas Area since Jan 2012
Admissions Representative
Clear Channel Radio - San Antonio, TX Aug 2010 - May 2012
Key Account Coordinator
Clear Channel Radio Aug 2006 - Aug 2010
Promotions Assistant
The University of Texas at San Antonio 2004 - 2008
Bachelor's, Communication
Chilli Beans USA Glendale, CA Nov 2013 to Nov 2014 Assistant ManagerFarmers Insurance San Francisco, CA Mar 2013 to May 2013 Receptionist/AssistantFarmers Insurance Valencia, CA Apr 2012 to Aug 2012 Telemarketer
Ashley Torres. will with much love in my heart and light there no fear near me at all cuz in my heart there is light and when it dark my light show me the way of the ...
Ashley Torres
Clinica corominas - Doctora
(\_(\ ☆★☆ (=’ :’) (,(”)(”) ƸӜƷ♥ ashley ♥ ƸӜƷ .....(`v) ..... •..• ....• ..( ❤(◕‿◕)❤ .....`•..• .(●•).(●•) ./█\♥ /█\★ Hello! Bienvenidos todos !!!! Mi nombre es ASHLEY pero todos me conocen como iva Tengo 22 años y soy de SANTO DOMINGO soy.. alegre, sincera, responsable, amistosa, exigente, realista, humilde, despistada, chistosa. Me encanta hablar, hacer nuevas amistades, dormir, la playa, ir de shopping, janguear, en fin disfrutarme la vida al maximo pq solo hay una. Soy bien sentimental de nada lloro... aunque tambien tengo mi caracter. Bueno mi gente estoy aqui para AMISTAD!!! CAPTEN EL MENSAJE!!! ME PUEDE HABLAR POR AQUI CUANDO DESEEN
Ashley Torres
UT Health Science Center - Nursing
My names is Ashley. I am a senior at Milton B. Lee Academy of Science and Engineering. My goals are to become an RN I must work persistently to accomplish them:) If theres anything you'd like to k...
Bragging Rights:
Varsity Volleyball *Libero*
Ashley Torres
Get Max Loan To find cheap online max loans, you need to make sure that you're using the best collateral that you can to secure and guarantee your loan request. Using a high-value item with a larg...
Ashley Torres
South county secondary school
Bragging Rights:
I have a beautiful son Michael Curtis ♥
Ashley Torres
Allen High School
Ashley Torres
I'm Ashley English Lit. major at UCF.
English Lit. major who is done with post-apocalyptic teen novels.
Ashley Torres
IHave An Uhh-mazinq Bf , That i Lovee So Much , Cakee Daay : O4/28 iLovee PINK <3 & ; What Cann i Saay ? Haters Will Alwayss Be Hatinn '