ve gone through the Black Lives Matter protests. You know, going through 2015, that's all still happening. 2016 summer was just so tragic - you know, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and, you know, the Dallas police officers shot. I think there was more police officers shot in Louisiana, as well.
Date: Jul 21, 2023
Category: Sports
Source: Google
Beyoncé seeks justice for Breonna Taylor in letter to Kentucky attorney general
In 2016, following the police shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, she posted a stark message in all capital letters on her website and called on her legions of fans to demand action on police brutality.
Date: Jun 14, 2020
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Kevin Durant’s black pride is stronger than ever: ‘This is about our culture’
We have these conversations over and over again on how we can improve these things. To have that platform and to have the resources those conversations are long. Especially, when you see the Trayvon Martins, the Philando Castiles, the names can go on. Alton Sterling. Eric Garner. Sandra Bland. The
Date: Jun 05, 2020
Category: Sports
Source: Google
EVs, Rockets, & Innovation: Where Would We Be Without Elon Musk?
He was screaming, I need my inhaler, I cant breathe! Yes, I live in Baton Rouge, where the last words of Alton Sterling were I cant breathe as he was brutally killed by our police. But as someone with asthma, I took him literally. I grabbed my inhaler, quickly sanitized it, and rushed outside
Date: May 31, 2020
Category: Business
Source: Google
New York anti-Semitic attacks: the conspiracy theories behind the anti-Semitic violence in New York
ople to anti-black racism, slavery, and police brutality. One of the Jersey City shooters, for example, posted online that the police shooting of Alton Sterling in 2016 was part of a well planned agenda layed [sic] out by the upper echelon of Rosenbergs people a reference to Jewish people.
Date: Jan 03, 2020
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Effort To Unite Police & Community Leads To Backlash
Marshall started this movement two years ago, after five Dallas police officers were killed during the ambush attack, which came after a protest over the deaths of two black men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. Both men were killed by police officers in other cities across the country during th
Date: Jul 26, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Black Parkland students worry: What happens to us when schools are over-policed?
At a news conference black Parkland students called on Wednesday, NPR's Nadege Green reported that theyquestionedwhetherthe same people who showed up for the anti-gun-violence March for Our Liveswould alsostand up for black menkilled by police such as Stephon Clark and Alton Sterling.The key to this issue is solidarity. We have to show up for one another and one another's issues. Don't only show up when it affects you. Recognize that gun violence affected Alton Sterling and Stephon Clark just like it did the young people in Parkland and Sandy Hook, Packnett wrote.
Date: Mar 31, 2018
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
White House calls police shootings of African-Americans a 'local matter'
his is something that is a local matter and thats something that we feel should be left up to the local authorities at this point in time, Sanders said in response to a question about the acquittal of two Baton Rouge, Louisiana, police officers involved in the 2016 death of Alton Sterling. Sanders
Date: Mar 28, 2018
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
New video released in shooting death of Alton...
New videos were released Friday from the shooting death of Alton Sterl...
1m 53s
New video released of Alton Sterling shooting
(Warning: This video contains graphic footage) New video has emerged o...
3m 47s
Alton Sterling Shooting Cellphone Video
The Louisiana Governor has turned the investigation over to the FBI fo...
3m 26s
Alton Sterling: New footage emerges of the le...
The Baton Rouge Police department has released a series of videos show...
1m 57s
Alton Sterling shooting: Baton Rouge police r...
Baton Rouge police released bodycam video Friday of the fatal 2016 sho...
2m 36s
Five years later | Looking back on the Alton ...
Sterling's death not only impacted the city, but the entire country.