momentum for reforming the nation's criminal justice system continues to grow." Participants on a conference call announcing the initiative include Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, Alison Holcomb of American Civil Liberties Union, Todd Cox of the Center for American Progress, among others.
Date: Jun 22, 2015
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
5 things to know about lawmakers' efforts on marijuana
registry of patients and caregivers basically a database of people involved in federal crimes to be problematic. Instead, Alison Holcomb, the author of Washington's legal pot law, has suggested that the distinction between medical and recreational shops be erased, as Kohl-Welles has proposed.
of New Yorks medical marijuana law passing in July, making it the 23rd state to do so. Its really emblematic of a sea change in the conversation of marijuana law reform, said primary author of Washingtons I-502, Alison Holcomb.She said this ad just adds momentum to a wave of change already
Lawmakers should consider changing that, said Alison Holcomb, the author of the 2012 voter initiative that legalized the recreational use of pot, because providing more ways to access marijuana will help push people to the legal pot market.
Date: Jul 15, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Washington pot shop customers cheer 1st legal sale
His first customer, 65-year-old retiree Deb Greene, hugged and thanked Alison Holcomb, the author of Washington's marijuana law, before placing her order for 8 grams, totaling $160 with tax. Greene said she got excited and bought twice as much as she intended to.
Date: Jul 08, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Washington marijuana shops prep for historic sales
In Seattle, among those who planned to buy some of the first pot at Cannabis City was Alison Holcomb, the lawyer who drafted Washingtons law. She said it was a good opportunity to remind people of the big-picture arguments for ending nearly a century of prohibition, including keeping nonviolent, ad
the recreational fold failed in Olympia. Alison Holcomb, the Seattle lawyer who authored Washington's legal pot law, worries that the slow roll-out of legal pot-shop and grow licenses will make it difficult to argue when lawmakers meet in January that the state is ready to tackle medical marijuana.
Date: Jun 30, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Eric Holder Promises To Reassure Banks About Taking Marijuana Money 'Very ...
Well see something like the August 29 memo but from [Treasury Secretary] Jack Lew and and Holder, says Alison Holcomb, the ACLU lawyer who ran Washingtons legalization campaign. They may include specific steps [indicating] what [they'll] do if [they] think theres a problem to give banks that e