Feb 2010 to 2000 PC Techniciancasa de marisco Weslaco, TX Mar 2011 to Aug 2013 Server and Hostess
The university of texas pan america Edinburg, TX 2012 to 2015 bachelor in engineering in mechanical engineeringsouth texas college McAllen, TX 2010 to 2012 associated in engineering in general
bilingual ( english and Spanish)
Abraham Arellanes obtiene el primer lugar en ...
Abraham Arellanes (MAPP 2009-2011) obtuvo el Primer Lugar en el Premio...
2m 50s
My Harlem Shake
Made with Harlem Shake Creator for Android for your Android:...
Legislando #TeCumplimos (24 de julio del 2013)
... de Diputados, Francisco Arroyo Vieyra entreg el primer lugar del p...
1m 56s
EMPRENDER para ser campen /HBITOS de un EMPRE...
En este nuevo episodio de #Marketing101 conversamos con Abraham Arella...
30 Jul 2010 ... Myspace profile for Abraham arellanes Perez. Find friends, share photos, keep in touch with classmates, and meet new people on Myspace.