Electric Lemonade Media specializes in advanced Internet marketing, which includes website design, search engine optimization, pay-per-click marketing... Electric Lemonade Media specializes in advanced Internet marketing, which includes website design, search engine optimization, pay-per-click marketing, copywriting and editing, press releases, and audio/video Podcast production. www.electriclemonade.com
George Washington High School Alexandria VA 1967-1971
Barbara Cox, Susan Adamson
Wayne Shifflett
Electric Lemonade & Referred.com - Founder and President AT&T - SEO Director AT&T - Web Developer/Designer
Wayne Shifflett has been involved in the Internet marketing field since the “dot-com boom” of the 90s, at which time he worked for several Fortune companies, including IBM/Rational Software, Derivion,...
Bragging Rights:
Wayne was invited by Google to attend advanced search engine marketing strategy courses conducted at Googleplex headquarters in Mountain View, CA. Over the past five years, Wayne has developed numerous legal Internet properties, generating millions of unique visitors each month. Wayne is currently in the process of launching a new social media website devoted to showing referred businesses. Wayne and his wife are extremely involved with pet fostering and helping animals through the Coastal Pet Rescue.
Wayne Shifflett
Emergency Development Plan The North East is Subjest to Many Different Inpacks From The For Seasons, The Hardest Hit Is Hurricaines, Procedures to reduce loss and Being Prepared is a Must. Having a ba...