Thomas Borders, a church member for 20 years, believes the congregation's rights are being violated because they can't praise God in their own way. He says the real problem is that the city noise ordinance isn't specific.
Date: Sep 12, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Borders by Thomas King
Audio version of short story, "Borders" by Thomas King.
23m 25s
Full Audiobook: Borders - Thomas King - My Le...
Please subscribe to this channel. This is an audio recording of "Borde...
17m 30s
Thomas Sowell and Jordan Peterson on the tru...
To get all this content plus free quotes of Dr. Thomas Sowell, visit t...
11m 28s
Thomas King Presentation
Thomas shares his recollection of what inspired him to write Borders. ...
7m 20s
Borders by Thomas King and Natasha Donovan [CC]
"A stunning graphic-novel adaptation based on the work of one of Canad...
5m 31s
Comics Review: Borders
A mother and son are caught between the Canadian and American border i...