May 2010 to 2000 Attorney at Law, Patent AttorneyLandauer Inc Glenwood, IL Jul 2002 to Sep 2011 Senior Research EngineerPanasonic Inc Elmhurst, IL Mar 1991 to Jul 2002 Senior Systems Engineer
Loyola Chicago University School of Law 2009 DoctorUniversity of Illinois at Chicago 1994 Master of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceCollege Honor 1990 Bachelor of Computer ScienceSeoul National University (Top University In South Korea) 1986 to 1987
Sep 2008 to May 2011 Korean Economic Student OrganizationUIUC
Aug 2008 to May 2011 PresidentUniversity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, IL Aug 2008 to Dec 2010 Assistant Network AdministratorWeFarmAmerica Chicago, IL Jun 2010 to Sep 2010 Finance/Marketing Intern
University of Illinois at Urbana Urbana-Champaign, IL May 2011 Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Dr. Sang Lee, a cardiothoracic surgeon who treated the sickest of the sick with an ECMO machine that rested the traumatized lungs, said he is certain the virus will come back, but perhaps in a different color.
Date: Jun 03, 2020
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Source: Google
The Inventor of Market Circuit Breakers Says China Got It Wrong
I dont think this is an exact science, said Sang Lee, an analyst at financial-markets researcher Aite Group. With circuit breakers, If you set these too low, instead of easing volatility it may increase volatility.
Date: Jan 07, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
Facebook Misadventure Means Scrutiny on Exchanges in Twitter IPO
Its such a public event, Sang Lee, Boston-basedmanaging partner at Aite Group LLC, said in a phone interview.An IPO is something that everyone understands. When peopletalk about, There was an IPO, something happened and I couldntbuy my shares, thats something that ties into the confidenc
Date: Nov 06, 2013
Category: Business
Source: Google
Getco Proposes Buying Knight Capital With Cash, Stock
If youre involved in a share deal, then youre betting that their market is going to continue to grow and there is an upside after the deal, whereas a cash-only deal, the upside is youre taking cash, and cash now, said Sang Lee, managing partner at Boston-based Aite Group LLC, in a phone intervi
Date: Nov 28, 2012
Category: Business
Source: Google
Knight Bruised as Analyst Estimates $170 Million Loss
This isnt good for the market overall and its not goodfor Knight, Sang Lee, managing partner at Boston-basedresearch firm Aite Group LLC, said in a phone interview. Theytook a beating in their share price. Its not going to devastatethe business of Knight since theyre a major market maker
Date: Aug 02, 2012
Source: Google
Facebook picks Nasdaq, cementing exchange operator's position as tech hub
Nasdaq OMX had more at stake because of the perception it gets all the technology companies, according to Sang Lee, managing partner at Boston-based Aite Group LLC. Among Internet IPOs since the beginning of 2011, LinkedIn Corp. and Pandora Inc. picked NYSE, while Nasdaq won Groupon Inc. and Zynga I
Date: Apr 05, 2012
Category: Business
Source: Google
NYSE Euronext Holders to Vote on Deutsche Boerse Takeover
If the vote is in their favor, its a nice momentumbuilder for the vote next week, said Sang Lee, managingpartner at Boston-based Aite Group LLC. The next hurdle is onthe Deutsche Boerse side, which has a higher threshold. The mostdifficult part would be the regulatory restrictions and haggli
Date: Jul 07, 2011
Category: Business
Source: Google
Bats Files for IPO as Exchange Seeks Currency Amid Deals
As exchange market competition continues to heat up, having enough financial resources to compete in the market becomes that much more important, said Sang Lee, co-founder and managing partner at Aite Group LLC in Boston. Bats going through this process was inevitable.