unexpected zingers from time to time that are more uncomfortable than funny (he suggests randomly that Bill Clinton is more Kesha's "type" than Barack Obama, for instance); Kesha, typically known for a party-hard attitude, is subdued here to the point of tranquilized and appears to fill the Paul Abdul
of the U.S. version of the popular singing franchise, which was originated in the U.K. by Cowell, Lovato was the only singer to return for a second season as a mentor, as Season 1 mentors Paul Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger and Season 2's Britney Spears only served one-season mentorships on the show.
Jackson became famous for his easygoing "yo, dawg" rapport with contestants. He first appeared on the panel alongside Simon Cowell and Paul Abdul when the competition debuted in 2002, and currently judges the show with Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban.
He feeds Rachel a lame excuse about taking a less-than-glamorous side job as a catering waiter. But Santana insists her "psychic Mexican third eye" is never wrong, and confronts Brody to the tune of Paul Abdul's "Cold-Hearted Snake." (Best number of the episode! Complete with the industrial-playgro
Date: Mar 14, 2013
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
David Fincher directing Justin Timberlake's 'Suit & Tie' video
incher's last music video was Nine Inch Nails' "Only" from 2005. His previous credits on the music front include Madonna's "Vogue" and "Express Yourself," Paul Abdul's "Forever Your Girl," Billy Idol's "Cradle of Love," Michael Jackson's "Who Is It?", George Michael's "Freedom '90" and countless others.
Date: Feb 01, 2013
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Simon Cowell shoots down Beyonce "X Factor" rumors
Fox's recently minted competition series had a major shakeup last week, with judges Nicole Scherzinger and Paul Abdul -- along with host Steve Jones -- getting the heave-ho. And while the rumor mill swirled with scuttlebutt about Cowell offering "Single Ladies" singer Knowles an astronomical sum to
However, Drew is beyond the hurt now and she's trying her best to calm down fans of hers that have gone off the deep end. Those people have taken to threatening the judges who voted Drew off the show. Most of the focus has been on Paul Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger. That's despite the fact that L.A.
Date: Dec 06, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
'X Factor' Creator Simon Cowell Has No Time For 'Mediocre' People
FOXs The X-Factor debuts ton Wednesday night, where the caustic critic shares the judging panel with his old co-star Paul Abdul, record executive L.A Reid and songstress Nicole Scherzinger.