USTRANSCOM - Scott AFB 2012 - Jan 2013
Enterprise Architecture Branch OIC
Oklahoma Army National Guard - Norman, OK Nov 2011 - Sep 2012
Brigade Chief Information Officer
Oklahoma Army National Guard - Norman, Oklahoma Mar 2010 - Nov 2011
Information Systems Management Officer
Michael Combs, research manager at San Diego Regional Economic Development Corp., said the improved jobs picture is above average and driven by core industries, "which is clearly something to remain optimistic about."
Date: Nov 21, 2014
Category: Business
Source: Google
APNewsBreak: SC dad accused in 5 deaths was ex-con
possession charge March 30, 2001, in Carpentersville, Illinois. Six months later, he was arrested for a crime spree that included stealing a car, burglary and passing forged checks, according to Michael Combs, chief of the criminal division of the McHenry County, Illinois, State's Attorney's Office.
Date: Sep 11, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
South Carolina dad accused of killing 5 kids served jail time for 2001 crime ...
imothy Ray Jones Jr. was arrested in Illinois for cocaine possession in March 2001. That September, he was arrested again for a string of crimes including auto theft, robbery and passing forged checks, said Michael Combs, the criminal division head of the States Attorneys Office in McHenry County.
Date: Sep 11, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Father accused in his 5 children's deaths had prior criminal record
According to Michael Combs, chief of the criminal division of the McHenry County, Illinois, State's Attorney's Office, Jones was arrested on a cocaine possession charge March 30, 2001, in Carpentersville, Illinois.
S.-based Lucent in 2006, and chief executive Michael Combs, appointed in April, 2013, is determined to turn the company around no matter who might object to his cost cuts. Alcatel Lucent's Finnish rival Nokia did the same two years ago, eliminating 17,000 jobs and making its network equipment busine
and Russell Henley, a handful of amateurs, most with very familiar names, have placed fifth or better in Nationwide Tour events: Daniel Summerhays/2007 (win), Jamie Lovemark/2007 (playoff loss), Rickie Fowler/2009 (playoff loss), Charles Howell III/2000 (T2), Sergio Garcia/1998 (3rd) and Michael Combs
Date: Jul 26, 2011
Category: Sports
Source: Google
Michael Combs sings Cause Jesus Said So..LIVE
LIVE... Michael Combs singing a song he wrote..."Cause Jesus Said So",...
26 Aug, 2007
4m 29s
It Was Me LIVE
Michael Combs sings "It Was Me", LIVE, in Sevierville, TN on Thanksgiv...
04 Dec, 2008
4m 5s
Michael Combs sings Drinking From My Saucer
Visit Michael's website at www.michaelcombs... This video was taken L...
05 Mar, 2007
4m 19s
Michael Combs sings NOT FOR SALE Live
Michael Combs singing his big southern gospel hit NOT FOR SALE. Record...
05 Aug, 2007
4m 29s
Michael Combs sings HE CALLED MY NAME...Live
Recorded LIVE of Michael Combs singing..."He Called My Name". Another ...
11 Nov, 2007
3m 51s
Jesus is all I need, by Michael Combs
This is a wonderful song about the Lord by one of my favorite singers!...
Gualala, CaliforniaI grew up in Point Arena, a wonderful, tiny city on the northern California coast. I attended seven colleges over a ten-year period, and served in the Air Force... I grew up in Point Arena, a wonderful, tiny city on the northern California coast. I attended seven colleges over a ten-year period, and served in the Air Force as a Russian linguist and financial officer for a total of over 21 years. I loved my jobs, and traveling, and although I retired in 1984, I...