Aetna Insurance Franklin, TN Aug 2004 to Sep 2013 Customer Service RepresentativeOtolaryngology Associates Nashville, TN Mar 1992 to Jul 2000 Medical ReceptionistSt Thomas Hospital Nashville, TN Jun 1985 to Feb 1992 Nurse Support Assistant
Nashville State Community College Nashville, TN 2002 to 2004 Certificate in Medical Billing and Coding
He expressed concern about the ability of female teachers to have these responsibilities on top of their other teaching duties.Shivers was backed up by Democratic Rep.Mary Moore, who said there are not many men in the school system.
Date: Mar 15, 2018
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
AP News Guide: Tight Dem Race in Nevada, SC GOP Race Unfolds
"I've seen Hillary do things for the Mexicans, I've seen her do things for the blacks, the whites, all of them. ... I'm going to be here to put her in office they're going to hear my mouth." Mary Moore, 60, in Las Vegas, on why she's supporting Clinton.
Date: Feb 20, 2016
Source: Google
Journalist Arrested While Covering Ferguson To Appear In Court
St. Louis-based videographer Mary Moore said she wants her reputation, and her criminal record, cleared. She was charged with municipal violations after an arrest on Oct. 3. She says she was only shooting video but was among 13 people taken into custody during a demonstration outside Ferguson police
Date: Mar 24, 2015
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley Commutes Sentences For Remaining Death ...
Burch was convicted of the 1995 murders of Robert Davis, 70, and Cleo Davis, 77, the newspaper said. The Davises' daughter, Mary Moore, said she had asked the governor three times not to remove Burch from death row.
Date: Jan 01, 2015
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Ferguson hands control of Michael Brown protests back to St Louis County
that 13 people were arrested on Thursday night during demonstrations outside the Ferguson police station. They were accused of resisting arrest, failing to comply with police, and noise ordinance violations. Mary Moore, a freelance videographer who was filming the protest, was among those arrested.
Just before midnight, officers began moving toward the protesters, who were chanting, used plastic restraints on their wrists and put them in a van, according to Gabrielle Hanson, who was at the scene while her mother, freelance videographer Mary Moore, shot video. Moore was among those arrested, Ha
Date: Oct 03, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Court hearing gay marriage arguments from 4 states
The Rev. Mary Moore of Dayton, interim minister at the Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship church, says she has performed many services of "holy union" for same-sex couples, but they are not recognized by the state.
Mary Moore, a longtime west Sonoma County activist, said the image of King and his iconic speech has been romanticized and sanitized over the years, obscuring what he stood for and how far society has yet to go in realizing his dream.