Chef del Restaurante Coque, 1 Estrella Michelin y 2 Soles RepsolBiografía(Madrid, 1977) creció entre fogones y se formó a nivel profesional en la Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Madrid, así como e...
flood, with crews scrambling to move their cameras upstairs to broadcast from a conference room. But as water continued pouring into the building, the decision was made to evacuate, leaving Smith and her photographer Mario Sandoval as the only people broadcasting for one of Houston's largest stations.
Date: Aug 28, 2017
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
A Houston Reporter Helped Save A Man From Drowning & The Video Is Incredible
KHOU reporter Brandi Smith and her videographer Mario Sandoval caught the scene on video from the side of Beltway 8, one of Houston's major highways which makes a circle around the city. A truck driver was caught in extreme flooding on the feeder road (Houston's unique name for frontage roads next t
ontana; Jimmy Nieves, 27, Fontana; Luz Myriam Nieves-Cruz, 49, Fontana; Angela Aragonez, 45, Redlands; Peter Francisco Flores, 29, Redlands; Daniel Martinez, 57, Redlands; Steven Kelly Olalia,37, Redlands; Fabian Jose-Maria Villanueva, 27, San Bernardino; Alvaro Medina, 20, Pomona; Mario Sandoval,