While at the Shelby rally, Ailsworth joined white Tulsa resident Lori Adams in a walk around the courthouse in a show of solidarity. Adams, 46, toted a sign voicing support for officers and their families.
Date: Sep 27, 2016
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Drama marks 50th anniversary of King's March on Washington
and 12:30 p.m.,on the Quad, directed by Professor Lori Adams.The play includes characterssuch as Rustin, Senator Strom Thurmond, Malcolm X, and A. Phillip Randolph, in scenes based on debates and arguments leading up to theMarch on Washington. Assistant Professor of Acting and Movement DuaneBout
Lori Adams, managing attorney of the legal aid group Human Rights First, said that many people in the immigration system don't have a lawyer, and they blunder through proceedings without fully realizing the potential repercussions of embellishing their life stories.
Im deeply grateful to all the writers whose work appears here and who make such a vital contribution to Runners World. I also want to thank the editors, past and present, who brought such care and attention to the crafting of these stories: Amby Burfoot, Charlie Butler, Peter Flax, Tish Hamilton, and Jay Heinrichs; and also to Lori Adams, the keeper of the archives. Tha