Medical School University of Minnesota Medical School at Minneapolis Graduated: 1999
Dr. Lyons graduated from the University of Minnesota Medical School at Minneapolis in 1999. She works in Minneapolis, MN and specializes in Anatomic Pathology & Clinical Pathology. Dr. Lyons is affiliated with Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Allina Health Unity Hospital and United Hospital.
The Lyons Company, The Lyons Publishing Company, The Lyons Foundation, - Owner (2009)
Art Institute of Atlanta, Georgia - Business Managment & Music
Lisa Lyons is an outstanding young Entreprenuer Lisa Lyons is the owner of the website a website dedicated to assisting everyday people with everyday questions. At www.AskLisaLyon...
Lisa Lyons
AT&T - PTSM (9)
Rutgers University - Computer Science and Economics
Mom, wife, nerd, baker,and amateur bathroom designer (at least right now)
Lisa Lyons
Design Bridge - Digital and Social Media Manager
De Montfort University - Fine Art, Sculpture
Writes things on blogs, looks after websites and other internet things. Secret twitcher.
Social Media Manager at Design Bridge. Lover of hand made things.
Lisa Lyons
PlasticBoxShop - Managing Drector
Prudhoe County High School
Lisa Lyons
Pennsylvania State University
Lisa Lyons
Amazing Glaze - Owner
Lisa Lyons
Judevine Center for Autism - Office Manager
Lisa Lyons
Great Female Physiques - Lisa Lyon - Bodybuil...
Contest history 1979 IFBB Women's World Body Building Championship, 1st.
2m 1s
How to stay relevant for a 50 year career | L...
What did you want to be when you grew up? A question that we have been...
14m 14s
Full interview with Lisa Lyons
Aaron Parseghian interviews Kent County Clerk Lisa Lyons on the topic ...
5m 56s
Dr. Lisa Lyons on The Morning Blend 10/16/201...
Dr. Lisa Marie Lyons visited the Morning Blend to speak about flu seas...
5m 21s
Lisa Lyons Interview
3m 47s
Lisa Lyons Good Bye Oct 1995 15 min
A fun good-bye video for Lisa Lyons when she left Quantic Communicatio...
d, owned by novelist Richard Grossman and art consultant Lisa Lyons, would seem to provide enough space to house Jolies six children and the location is certainly convenient in terms of sharing custody of the kids with estranged husband Brad Pitt whose longtime compound is just over a mile away.
Date: Apr 07, 2017
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
December 23, 2016 - Michigan Gov. Snyder signs laws on affordable college, hunting colors review, sport fishing
HB 5484, sponsored by state Rep. Lisa Lyons, will require the Natural Resources Commission to review and determine if additional colors are safe and effective for individuals to wear while hunting, including hunter pink. It is now Public Act 377 of 2016.
Date: Dec 23, 2016
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
'Tame duck'? Strict voter ID bills stall in Senate
Strict voter ID laws have been ruled unconstitutional in some other states, but sponsoring Rep. Lisa Lyons, R-Alto, has said she modeled her bill on a 2005 Indiana law that was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Date: Dec 13, 2016
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
New laws require schools to have EpiPens to help kids with allergies
The new rules part of bipartisan legislation sponsored primarily by Rep. Lisa Lyons, R-Alto require schools to have two auto-injectable epinephrine devices, usually known as EpiPens. Each school also must have one or two staff members trained to administer the devices for students or adults havi
Date: Aug 25, 2014
Category: Health
Source: Google
Mich. Lawmaker Silenced for Abortion Bill Comments
Rep. Lisa Lyons, R-Alto, said Brown's comments were "disgraceful" and her "no means no" remark seemed to inappropriately compare the anti-abortion bill to rape. The House approved the bill on a 70-39 vote. The Senate probably won't consider it until fall.
Lisel Fay, Angela Huston, L Hart, Ike Bettinger, Joshua Cohen, Marietta Lonneke, Sam Foster, Mark Farha, Terry Syler, Steve Winfrey, Katharine Reeves, Tina Hudson
I live just south of Topeka, Ks with my husband Greg ( who was my high school ...