Dr. Miller graduated from the SUNY Upstate Medical University in 1971. He works in Santa Cruz, CA and specializes in Rheumatology. Dr. Miller is affiliated with Dominican Hospital.
Lester M. Miller has successfully served the Central Georgia area with over fifteen years of legal expertise. Along with his skilled legal team, Lester M. Miller provides representation for individual...
Lester Miller
Lester Miller
Lester Miller
Lester Miller
Lester Miller
Macon Mayor Lester Miller proposes $85M for p...
13WMAZ News is the #1 station for news and weather in the Central Geor...
2m 30s
"The Life Of" - Lester Miller
On this episode of "The Life Of" Lester Miller gives us the story of h...
22m 17s
Macon Mayor Lester Miller unveils plan to tac...
13WMAZ News is the #1 station for news and weather in the Central Geor...
2m 20s
Full speech: Macon-Bibb mayor Lester Miller g...
Macon-Bibb Mayor Lester Miller was officially sworn into office just a...
18m 39s
Macon, Georgia Mayor Lester Miller presents $...
Mayor Lester Miller wrapped up his first budget proposal to the Macon-...
2m 57s
Mayor-elect Lester Miller talks plans for Mac...
13WMAZ News is the #1 station for news and weather in the Central Geor...
Miller, 33, received seven year sentences. Daniel S. Mullet, 38; Lester Miller, 38; and Emanuel Schrock, 44, received five year sentences. Raymond Miller, 28, of Irondale, Ohio; and Linda Shrock, 45, both received two year sentences. Freeman Burkholder, 32, of Irondale; Anna Miller, 33; Elizabeth A
Date: Feb 09, 2013
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Leader of Amish Hair Cutting Attacks Gets 15 Years in Prison
The five family members accused of attacking a Mesopotamia couple also were given prison sentences. Eli and Lester Miller, who planned and carried out the attack, were sentenced to seven years in prison. Raymond Miller was sentenced to two years prison. Anna Miller and Freeman Burkholder were both s
Date: Feb 08, 2013
Source: Google
Amish defendants in beard-cutting case to be sentenced
An attorney for defendant Lester Miller told the court the defendants' children will be most affected by the loss of their parents -- since sons in Amish communities serve as apprentices to their fathers.
Lester Miller, who has remained free, works on a construction crew and his family will rely on the money he makes and saves over the next few months until his sentence is completed, said his attorney, Dean Caro. "The possibility of saving as much money as possible before being imprisoned is not one
Date: Sep 27, 2012
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Government moves to revoke bond for Ohio Amish free after beard-cutting attack ...
Brian Pierce, attorney for Elizabeth Miller, 38, the mother of 11 and married to defendant Lester Miller, 37, said he would appeal for leniency in view of her big family and lack of any prior criminal record.
Date: Sep 21, 2012
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Federal prosecutors, defense lawyers debate religious motivation for Amish ...
J. Dean Carro, who represents defendant Lester Miller, described the beard cuttings as symbolic acts delivered with pure intentions predicated on compassion and love for the recipients, who had strayed from the Amish way of life.
of the defense attorneys said their clients were motivated by anger at their parents over how they were raised and the lingering bitterness. Another attorney said one of the defendants, Lester Miller, took part in the haircuttings of his parents because he felt they had strayed from their religion.
University of Akron Law professor J. Dean Carro, one of the attorneys who filed the motion, is representing Lester Miller in the case. Carro carries a pocket version of the US Constitution in his pocket. He says the hate crime law goes beyond the scope of Congress.