Aug 2011 to 2000 cnc milling machine operator/production inspector
dean tech high school Holyoke, MA 2009 to 2012 hs diploma in machine tech
cnc milling machine operator, hand fabrication (shearing, punching, corner rounding), metal photo, quality inspector,I do first article inspection on many parts including boeing panels and aero panels, assembly, maintenance
2014 to 2000 Especialista ComercialNESTL, Departamento de Nuevos Proyectos
2008 to 2012 Responsable de la gestin y coordinacin para la comercializacin de las maquinas juntoEmpresa de telecomunicaciones
1993 to 2005 Supervisor de costos y materialesAbastecimiento, se
1987 to 1992 Tcnico especialista
Instituto ESUCOMEX Santiago de Chile, Regin Metropolitana 2012 to 2013 FinanzasInstituto ESUCOMEX Extranjero 2012 ContabilidadEscuela de Especialidades de la Fuerza Area de Chile 1986 to 1987 Ingeniero in Comercio InternacionalEscuela Industrial HC Libertadores No. 4 1982 to 1985 ElectrnicaColegio HC Libertadores 1973 to 1981Instituto ESUCOMEX Extranjero Ingeniera in ComercioFORMACIN ACADMICA COMPLEMENTARIA
Even with the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, workers have a hard time making ends meet, Juan Santana, president of the Independent Union of Airport Workers, told the Militant by phone from Ro Piedras, May 23. The union represents 390 workers who prepare food for flights and restaurants at t
Date: May 27, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
Once kids' safe zone, shop gets new focus in Patz case trial
Just a day before Etan disappeared, another neighborhood mom found the lunch box he'd forgotten at the school bus stop and dropped it off at the store, asking counter worker Juan Santana to mind it until he could pick it up.
Date: Feb 08, 2015
Source: Google
Newt Gingrich sets his sights on Florida's Latino communities
Juan Santana, a 53-year-old security guard, born in Cuba but living in exile in Florida since 1974, was among those so taken by Gingrich that he went on to support the candidate at a campaign event this week in Miami.
Date: Jan 26, 2012
Source: Google
07 Jul, 2009
3m 15s
Juan Santana Atlantico
People & Blogs
17 Aug, 2010
4m 42s
Luis Jimenez the king of Radio, invite Juan S...
Juan Grandpa Santana playing Canon in the Luis Jimenez show / "La kall...
27 Mar, 2008
6m 5s
Juan Santana - Volvamos a empezar
Estoy tratando de conseguir uno mejor grabado...pero mientras tanto