The rising crescendo of concern in Nova Scotia, particularly in the last few months, about the quality of long-term care in the province, especially as this has been given voice by the families and by the supporters of the families of Chrissy Dunnington and John Ferguson who passed away while in lo
The 2007 edition was particularly exciting to Ferguson because his son John Ferguson Jr. was general manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs at the time and the elder wanted nothing more than for his son to have success.This will be a big day for Alfredsson and the Senators if he does get selected. And, you know that somewhere up there in the heavens, John Ferguson will be wearing a wide smile because Alfredsson was one of the proudest picks of his lengthy career.
Date: Jun 26, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Melbourne Cup 2016: John O'Shea and Kiwi jockey James McDonald try to win cup for Sheikh Mohammed
"At the end of the day, Godolphin is about Sheikh Mohammed and what he's trying to achieve," says John Ferguson, the chief executive of the company who has known the Sheikh for three decades. "It started off very small and has grown into a global horse in racing, with horses in England, Ireland, Fra
Date: Oct 31, 2016
Category: World
Source: Google
Joffrey Lupul situation with Maple Leafs doesn't pass smell test
leaguers and move players up and down when necessary ... A sad Leafs reminder from this World Cup. Brian Burke traded Anton Stralman to Calgary for Wayne Primeau and John Ferguson dealt Tuukka Rask to Boston for Andrew Raycroft. Primeau and Raycroft are long gone from the NHL ... A question around t
Date: Sep 24, 2016
Source: Google
Woodlands Landscaping Solutions: something for every gardener
Experts include accomplished veteran gardener Ben Van der Poll who will answer questions about vegetable propagation and care; soil scientist John Ferguson; Mark Bowen, author and landscape designer. Montgomery County Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Horticulture Agent Mike Potter, and Master Garden
Date: Sep 16, 2016
Category: Health
Source: Google
Second major Northeast natural gas pipeline shelved as New York rejects Constitution pipeline
Constitution's application failed to meet New York's water quality standards, wrote John Ferguson, chief permit administrator with DEC's Division of Environmental Permits and Pollution Prevention. The line would have impacted around 250 streams, "including trout spawning streams, old-growth forest,
Though the administration has approved other pipelines, the Constitution pipeline application did not contain adequate information to determine whether it would meet water quality standards, the DECs chief permit administrator, John Ferguson, wrote in the rejection.The Application fails in a meaningful way to address the significant water resource impacts that could occur from this Project and has failed to provide sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with New York State water quality standards, wrote John Ferguson, the Constitution's failure to
Date: Apr 22, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
State rejects Constitution natural gas pipeline on environmental grounds
In a letter to the Houston-based company, DEC permit administrator John Ferguson said the project application "fails in a meaningful way to address the significant water resource impacts that could occur from this project and has failed to provide sufficient information to demonstrate compliance wit