In a statement, council president Frank Callahan said, "The United States is full of professional politicians and millionaires. It's about time we sent someone to Washington who doesn't just talk about representing the interests of working people."
Date: Feb 21, 2013
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Federal report: Best jobs in nursing, tech, construction
Frank Callahan, president of the Massachusetts Building Trades Council, based in Dorchester, said he is seeing signs of an upswing and that the council is looking to increase enrollment in its apprenticeship courses.
Date: Sep 03, 2012
Category: Business
Source: Google
WSC Stay Connected: The History of Union Hill...
Good morning my name is frank callahan i'm a lifelong resident of worc...
1h 8m 48s
Going RV with Frank Callahan
23m 11s
Colorado State Arm Wrestling Championships 2022
Frank Callahan vs Isaac "Ranch Hands" Russel * 3'rd place PRO 220 Matc...
7m 1s
AERS ELO System Q&A with Frank Callahan
Frank Callahan is the lead software engineer that designed and updates...
1h 6m 21s
WSC Stay Connected - Distinguished Speaker S...
Hi my name is frank callahan and i'm going to give actually two talks ...