Ochsner ClinicOchsner Childrens Health Center 1315 Jefferson Hwy, New Orleans, LA 70121 504-842-3900 (phone), 504-842-0011 (fax)
Medical School Louisiana State University School of Medicine at New Orleans Graduated: 2009
Dr. Smith graduated from the Louisiana State University School of Medicine at New Orleans in 2009. She works in New Orleans, LA and specializes in Pediatric Gastroenterology. Dr. Smith is affiliated with Ochsner Medical Center Jefferson Highway.
US Army Fort Hood, TX Jan 2010 to Dec 2013 Human Resource SpecialistPierce Transit Lakewood, WA Oct 2004 to Oct 2009 Transit OperatorVerizon Wireless Auburn, WA Apr 2002 to Sep 2004 Customer Service Representative
First response Medical Training Killeen, TX 2013 to 2014 Clinical Certified Medical Assistant in Medical AssistantCentral Texas College Associates of Arts in General StudiesSteilacoom High School High School Diploma
Erika Smith, a four-year-long employee, also claims the team's owners and general manager purposely attempted to protect its "franchise" player by sweeping the allegations "under the rug." As part of that alleged cover-up, Smith says she was fired by the team when details of Ellis' alleged texts wer
Date: Dec 21, 2011
Category: Sports
Source: Google
NBA basketball team, star player sued for sexual harassment
Oakland resident Erika Smith was hired to work on community relations for the Warriors in 2007 and regularly interacted with team members as part of her duties until her termination in August, according to documents filed in Alameda Superior Court.
Date: Dec 21, 2011
Category: Sports
Source: Google
Artists' murals highlight aspects of Indianapolis in project for Super Bowl
That's exactly what Bliss has been waiting for. "I've been salivating for 10 years over these walls." Contact Star columnist Erika D. Smith at (317) 444-6424, erika.smith@indystar.com, on Facebook or on Twitter @indystar_erika.
Q&A: Racine native in upcoming Hanks/Bullock movie
Park High graduate Erika Smith has a role in the coming movie "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close." (Submitted photo) Racine native Erika Smith can be seen on screen in the soon-to-be-released movie "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," starring Tom ...
Erika D. Smith: Super Bowl is not the end of the city's sports strategy
"There's a really strong brand identity that solidifies Indianapolis as a place you want to come and do business." Contact Star columnist Erika D. Smith at (317) 444-6424, erika.smith@indystar.com, on Facebook or on Twitter @indystar_erika.
Oakland resident Erika Smith was hired to work on community relations for the Warriors in 2007 and regularly interacted with team members as part of her duties until her termination in August, according to documents filed in Alameda Superior Court.
Oakland resident Erika Smith was hired to work on community relations for the Warriors in 2007 and regularly interacted with team members as part of her duties until her termination in August, according to documents filed in Alameda Superior Court.
Theatre@First puts the 'community' in community theater
By Erika Smith, Boston University News Service There's something of a joke at Theatre@First, began Beckie Hunter, one of the founders of the Davis Square community theater group and the producer of the current show, Pride and Prejudice.
Erika Smith
NewVision Eyecare - Optometric Assistant (2008)
Washington State University - Biology, Bellevue Community College - Biology
"She's a good girl, loves her mamma, loves Jesus, and America too!"
Erika Smith
Senior care Brookdale Senior Living - RA
Chattanooga state - Nursing and /or crimnal justice
Single mom working and in school. Love my lord and savior..and childern. Love to read,type and outdoor activites. Don't ever try to get upset with anything life hands me because life is precious to me.. you choose your own path..my quote to all visitors..: never make excuses in life,that just makes excuses for everthing.." God never gives you and excuse when you need him.. so don't give him excuses when he needs you to do the right thing.
Erika Smith
State University of Fredonia - Social Work, McGann-Mercy High School
Bragging Rights:
Survived Catholic High School.
Erika Smith
Radford University - Student Activites Technical Staff (2)
Lake Lucina Elementary School Jacksonville FL 1979-1985, Rufus E. Payne Elementary School Jacksonville FL 1985-1986, Arlington Junior High School Jacksonville FL 1986-1988, Lakeside Junior High School Orange Park FL 1987-1989
O. K. Adcock Elementary School Las Vegas NV 1991-1992, Lilly & Wing Fong Elementary School Las Vegas NV 1992-1994, Ernest May Elementary School Las Vegas NV 1994-1997, Walter Jacobson Elementary School Las Vegas NV 1995-1997, Lied Middle School Las Vegas NV 1997-2000, St. Ignatius High School St. Ignatius MT 2000-2001