Video is from the Snakes & Arrows Tour, recorded at the Ahoy Arena in ...
5m 14s
Black Swan Best Scene/ Morning of Performance...
This is for a school assignment but I do not own any of this content.
1m 14s
Erica Sayers
Erica Sayers
Born in Houston. Have also lived in the white mountains of New Hampshire, Santa Fe NM, San Diego CA, and now Jacksonville NC. Am a proud marine wife and mother. Enjoy all time with my family, but especially when it includes camping, hiking, fishing, snowboarding/skiing, sledding, exploring, beachin'it up, and especially family movie/game night. Love sharing my family with my friends and strengthening personal relationships when ever possible. Like to also challenge myself professionally. I always (even when detrimental) have that "I can do a better job than that" attitude which has both helped to push me professionally as well as distract me from what my core goals are. If I see something wrong with a particular system, I push to fix it. Problem is, I don't get paid to do other people's jobs.
Erica Sayers
I'm me! And no one can be me better than I can be! :)