The state has a legitimate interest in ensuring that its citizens have access to and adequate information about constitutionally protected medical services like abortion, Judge Dorothy Nelson said in the 3-0 ruling. She said the law does not encourage, suggest or imply that women should use these
Date: Oct 14, 2016
Category: Health
Source: Google
Eileen Battersby's Irish literary tips for St Patrick's Day
This mysterious book heralded the arrival of an original. Dorothy Nelson followed her intense debut with another remarkable work, Tar and Feather (1987). She deserves to be re-discovered and why not today on St Patricks Day?
Date: Mar 17, 2015
Category: World
Source: Google
High court weighs judge's bias in Ariz. death case
The decision by the panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco was written by Judge Dorothy Nelson and joined by Judge Harry Pregerson, both appointees of President Jimmy Carter. Judge Sandra Ikuta, an appointee of President George W. Bush, wrote a lengthy dissent.
With 40 teams and individuals raising money for cancer research and awareness, the total amount of money raised at Relay for Life was about $25,000, according to Dorothy Nelson, the community relationship manager with the American Cancer Society.
Date: Apr 15, 2012
Category: Health
Source: Google
Dorothy Nelson Now Faith COGIC
I love this lady!!!
10m 1s
Dorothy Nelson Spirit of the Law
The Honorable Dorothy Wright Nelson is currently a senior judge of the...
55m 4s
Local 10 News Tribute to Teachers honors Doro...
3m 10s
Video Oral History of Ninth Circuit Judge Dor...
Ninth Circuit Judge Dorothy Nelson is interviewed in 2012 by Gail Migd...
34m 37s
Dorothy Nelson Interview
Dorothy Wright Nelson, interviewed by John G. (Tom) Tomlinson Jr. H. D...
1h 6m 2s
Ms. WC13 Dorothy Nelson | Joyce Meyer
Dorothy recently celebrated her 85th birthday. Today, she was blessed ...