- Cincinnati OH, US Brett J. Pipitone - Cincinnati OH, US
Robomotive Laboratories LLC - Cincinnati OH
International Classification:
B25J 9/16 B25J 13/08
The inventive technology eliminates the need for force sensors on a robotic manipulator while also improving feel by incorporating force sensors on the corresponding robotic input device. Position of the manipulator is used to determine positioning of the input device; therefore, rather than manipulator position lagging the input device position (as in conventional robotic systems), the opposite is true, so that input device position lags manipulator position. Through a combination of input device force control and manipulator position feedback, a sense of feel is achieved through use of an “effort sensor” mounted at a “control point” on the input device and use of a “position feedback force control” scheme.
Ge Aviation
Senior Staff Engineer - Energy Systems
Gulfstream Aerospace Aug 2003 - May 2013
Mercer University - Stetson School of Business and Economics 2009 - 2011
Master of Business Administration, Masters
University of Cincinnati 1998 - 2003
Bachelors, Mechanical Engineering
Aerospace Aviation Engineering Systems Engineering Aeronautics Engineering Management Testing Program Management