Oct 2012 to 2000 IMS SupervisorHome Depot Virginia Beach, VA Sep 2009 to Aug 2012 Lumber Associate
Adult Learning Center Virginia Beach, VA 2008 to 2008 GED
I am forklift certified among many other machines. I pay attention to little details so that there is little room for error and I have many years experience in a wearhouse environment.
Artfx Norfolk, VA Aug 2012 to Apr 2014 Press operatorGeneral Foam Plastics Corp. Norfolk, VA Feb 2012 to Jun 2012 Molding machine operatorUS Navy
Jun 2006 to Sep 2009 Aviation Support Equipment TechnicianFed Ex Ground Chicago, IL Jul 2004 to Jun 2006 Driver Helper
Commonwealth of Virginia Chesapeake, VA 2011 to 2012 Sheet metal fabricationSimeon Career Academy Chicago, IL 2000 to 2004 High school diploma in General studies, carpentry
Nov 2013 to 2000 Optometric TechnicianNaval Branch Health Clinic Portsmouth
Feb 2010 to 2000 Medical AssistantFrisbie Memorial Hospital Rochester, NH Sep 2012 to Jul 2013 Medical AssistantMEDICINE
Aug 2011 to May 2012 manager of a 12-bed behavioral health unitMEDICINE
1998 to 2012 Senior Hospital CorpsmanMEDICINE
1998 to 2012 Hospital Corpsman and Behavioral Health Technician U.S. NavyMEDICINE
Feb 2010 to Aug 2011 Operations manager of a family practice clinicMEDICINE
Jan 2007 to Dec 2009 Assistant Operations manager of a 12 bed behavioral health unitMEDICINE
Mar 2005 to Oct 2005 Night shift senior technician
Trident University 2010 to 2013 BSHS in Health Care ManagementNaval Health Sicences Portsmouth, VA 2001 to 2001 Psychiatric TechnicianHospital Corps School, Field Medical Service School Great Lakes, IL Medical
Brandon Gray Graduation Speech 2010
MY graduation speech at Titusville High School for the class of 2010
17 May, 2010
9m 28s
Shine On (Bellarive Cover) - Brandon Gray
Cover of one of my favorite songs by an awesome band called "Bellarive...
20 Jan, 2011
6m 5s
Pants on the Ground (Acoustic Cover) - Brando...
Here is the MP3 of my version! ENJOY! www.mediafire.co... For my non-...
13 Jan, 2010
1m 11s
So, I'm In Love (Original)-Brand... Gray
Brandon sings a little song of his own. For the record, Brandon Gray i...
27 Mar, 2009
4m 26s
so sick preformed by Brandon Gray
my school talent show, so sick!
24 Apr, 2009
3m 18s
Brandon Gray's My Life My Health My Journey
At first I didnt know I had sleep apnea. I just knew how bad I felt. I...
St. Louis, MOAs far as work goes, I'm the Sales and Promotions Manager for Complete Media Group (Complete Music & Video) of St. Louis.
As far as me personally, I love to... As far as work goes, I'm the Sales and Promotions Manager for Complete Media Group (Complete Music & Video) of St. Louis.
As far as me personally, I love to entertain people and make them laugh.
In 2004, Lohan had two lead roles. The first film, Disneys teen musical Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, earned a domestic box office total of $29million, with Brandon Gray of Box Office Mojo commenting that it was well above expectations as it was strictly for young girls. But the film didHer second lead role in 2004 in the teen comedy Mean Girls marked Lohans first movie independent of Disney. The film was a critical and commercial success, grossing $129million worldwide and, according to Brandon Gray, cementing her status as the new teen movie queen. Mick LaSalle from the San F
Date: Nov 07, 2012
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Twilight: The Secret History, Part 5—Fans! Mania! Huge Box Office! And Taylor ...
The earliest returns onTwilight, however, were encouraging: The movie made $7 million alone from opening-night midnight screenings. "Clearly, it wasn't all hype," BoxOfficeMojo.com's Brandon Gray told Reuters.
Date: Nov 03, 2012
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Hollywood Finishes Lackluster Summer With Lift From 'Help'
"Given how much 3-D was out there, it should have made more money," said Brandon Gray, president of Box Office Mojo, another industry tracker. "3-D has been a gimmick in the past, and there's no evidence to suggest it's much more than a gimmick now."
Date: Sep 06, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
'Glee': Five Reasons '3D Concert' Sunk At The Box Office
concert docs, but its marketing campaign failed to attract new eyeballs. According to Brandon Gray of Box Office Mojo, "In its marketing, 'Glee' was strictly for the hard-core Gleeks, as it came off as redundant and self-congratulatory to more casual watchers who can see the television series for free.
"Cowboys & Aliens made them [Disney executives] start quaking in their boots over big budgets," said Brandon Gray, creator and president of BoxOfficeMojo.com, a website that tracks worldwide ticket sales. "It was high noon at Buena Vista."
Date: Aug 15, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Spielberg to Get Smaller Paycheck as 'Cowboys & Aliens' Misfires
For this type of movie its soft, Brandon Gray,president of Box Office Mojo, said in an interview. And thatmeans its more likely to lose money in the market. Thenumbers of theaters showing the film will shrink as the weeks goby, he said.
Date: Aug 03, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
'Cowboys & Aliens,' 'Smurfs' in Tie for Top Weekend Film at $36.2 Million
CSA)sUniversal division to open in first place this year, followingFast Five and Hop. The film, co-produced by Steven Spielbergs DreamWorks SKG and Relativity Media LLC, wasexpected to have sales of $36 million, the estimate of Brandon Gray, editor of Boxofficemojo.com, an industry website.
Date: Jul 31, 2011
Source: Google
'Cowboys & Aliens,' 'Smurfs' Open in Tie for Top Film This Week
orp.'s Universal division to open in first place this year, following "Fast Five" and "Hop." The film, co-produced by Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks SKG and Relativity Media LLC, was expected to have sales of $36 million, the estimate of Brandon Gray, editor of Boxofficemojo.com, an industry website.