RAPP since Jan 2012
Finance Manager
IBM Global Financing Dec 2006 - Dec 2011
Senior Financial Analyst
IBM Global Financing Nov 2005 - Nov 2006
Worldwide Inventory Analyst
IBM Global Financing Oct 2004 - Nov 2006
End of Lease Team Lead
Hotel Queluz May 2002 - Nov 2004
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NYU - New York University 2007 - 2008
Certificate, International Business and Finance
UNA School of Business - Brazil 1995 - 1999
Business B.A, Major in International Trade
common to democratic societies. Divisions over the legitimacy of an election could be far more dangerous. I dont mean theres going to be riots or armed militias, but a lack of a unified belief in small-d democratic values is inherently destabilizing, said Democratic pollster Anna Greenberg.
Date: Dec 27, 2020
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Ontario hospital overcrowding worse, but health-care report has some good news
One of the things were seeing is hospital overcrowding and how its both a symptom and a source of cascading pressures throughout the system, said Anna Greenberg, interim CEO of Health Quality Ontario.
Date: Nov 17, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
GOP corruption scandals may help Democratic candidates, but it’s not clear how much
Yet Democratic pollster Anna Greenberg insists that scandals bolster her party's ongoing argument that Republicans do the bidding of moneyed interests. When Democracy Corps recently asked Americans to name each party's top priority, the most common response about Democrats was "health care"; about R
Date: Aug 10, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Hillary Clinton's popularity in California has jumped, and she has a commanding lead, poll finds
Theres a big improvement since May, said Anna Greenberg, of the Democratic polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, which conducted the survey for The Times and USC alongwith the Republican firm American Viewpoint.
Date: Nov 06, 2016
Source: Google
Whoever wins on Tuesday is inheriting an extremely polarized electorate, poll finds
The polarization is so extreme, I dont know if it can get worse, said Anna Greenberg, the Democratic pollster whose firm forms half of the bipartisan team that produced the survey for USC and The Times.
Large majorities of voters want stronger gun laws, according to research by the pollster Anna Greenberg. Fifty-two percent of voters want stronger gun laws, compared to only 9 percent who want weaker laws, and 35 percent who want no change.
"The Republicans will try to make Clinton own the higher prices, but the problem is that Republicans have no alternative or answer," said Anna Greenberg, a Democratic pollster. "They are in the position of taking away insurance if they repeal Obamacare.
Date: May 02, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
Why Clinton's feminist pitch is not working in New Hampshire
Not everybody views voting as a statement of their identities, said Democratic pollster Anna Greenberg. Younger women in particular, she said, have a desire for a transformative figure, and [Clinton] doesnt embody that.