Past: Clinical Manager at Alzheimer's Association Anita has worked in Senior Care for the last 21 years and has moved to an emeritus status with the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care... Anita has worked in Senior Care for the last 21 years and has moved to an emeritus status with the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers. She has been hospital based, as well as the Director of Geriatric Planning for an Elder Law Attorney for almost a decade. She has been...
followd by potluck lunch in the fellowship hall, Maundy Thursday service at 7:30 p.m. with communion, Good Friday service of shadows at 7:30 p.m. with special music by Eric McClellan and Anita Miller and Easter Sunday early worship at 8:30 a.m. with communion, breakfast at 9:30 a.m. in fellowship h
Actress and singer-songwriter Zooey Deschanel made her film debut in Mumford in 1999, followed by her breakout role as Anita Miller in Cameron Crowe's 2000 semi-autobiographical film Almost Famous. Deschanel soon became known for her deadpan comedy and roles in films such as The Good Girl (2002), Th
Date: Jan 14, 2015
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
MTA, union negotiators felt real deadline was before weekend started
Cuomo ordered fish; Simon, a salad. MTA chief executive Thomas Prendergast, MTA negotiator Anita Miller and other union officials joined them in a back area of the restaurant, which continued to serve other customers.
Date: Jul 17, 2014
Source: Google
LIRR unions: Negotiations with MTA 'have collapsed'
MTA negotiators had been expected to respond to the latest union counteroffer made Thursday. On Monday, Prendergast came to the talks, flanked by a security team, his chief spokesman, and MTA labor relations director Anita Miller.
Date: Jul 14, 2014
Category: Business
Source: Google
New York's MTA Facing $288 Million in Higher Labor Costs
The MTA recognizes how paralyzing a strike would be tothe ordinary Long Islander, which is why weve stepped up andweve come up with a proposal that we think is within everyonespower to help avert a strike, Anita Miller, the state agencysdirector of labor relations, said June 24 in announci
Date: Jun 26, 2014
Category: Business
Source: Google
MTA: LIRR workers would get 17% raise over 7 years in latest offer
"[The proposed contract] gives the unions everything that they asked for and what they repeatedly said they would accept," Anita Miller, the MTA's director of labor relations, told reporters Tuesday in Manhattan. "If the unions cause a painful strike by turning down the offer . . . that will be a gr
Date: Jun 24, 2014
Category: Business
Source: Google
MTA Proposes 17% Wage Increase to Avert LIRR Strike
MTA officials will meet with union leaders representingabout 5,000 LIRR employees on June 27, Anita Miller, the stateagencys director of labor relations, said today at a pressbriefing in Manhattan. Its previous proposal was 11 percent oversix years, Miller said.
bargaining table have changed since the last contract talks. MTA Chairman Joseph Lhota was appointed in December, taking over for Jay Walder. NYC Transit President Thomas Prendergast and newly appointed lead contract negotiator Anita Miller are now at the table, people familiar with the matter said.