Summary of Skills: Very Proficient using the Palantir Workspace in daily duties as an Intelligence Analyst. Proficient using computer applications including MS Word /Power Point /Excel /Access /Outlook and the following intelligence automated tools: JIOC-I, Falcon View, BATS, MIRC Chat, CIDNE, M3, Query Tree, Google Earth, C2PC, ARC-GIS, Orion Magic, Marine Link, Analyst Notebook 7/8, and Palantir Workspace (multiple instances). Highly proficient conducting intelligence research while supporting collection and targeting efforts utilizing Open Source, SIPRNet and JWICS mediums. All Source, CI/HUMINT, Targeting, Collections, Intelligence Research / Analysis, Counter-Insurgency, Counter-Terrorism, Counter-IED, Detainment Operations, Task Force Operations, South-West Asia Insurgent TTPs, Middle Eastern Insurgent TTPs, Task Leadership.