The Davey Tree Expert Company since Oct 2004
Project Manager
District Five Department of Transportation Mar 1993 - Oct 1998
Utility Area Manager
Florida State University 1998 - 1999
CPM, Public Management
Lake Vocational Technical School 1989 - 1990
cert, Computer Assisted Drafting and Design
Lake/Sumter Community College 1981 - 1982
Womens Health Center 1421 W Baddour Pkwy STE B, Lebanon, TN 37087 615-449-6780 (phone), 615-449-1929 (fax)
Medical School University of Oklahoma College of Medicine at Oklahoma City Graduated: 1979
Ovarian Surgery Amniocentesis Cesarean Section (C-Section) Destruction of Benign/Premalignant Skin Lesions Destruction of Lesions on the Anus Hysterectomy Skin Tags Removal Tubal Surgery Vaccine Administration Vaginal Delivery Vaginal Repair
Conditions of Pregnancy and Delivery Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Breast Disorders Candidiasis of Vulva and Vagina Complicating Pregnancy or Childbirth
Dr. Roundtree graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine at Oklahoma City in 1979. He works in Lebanon, TN and specializes in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Dr. Roundtree is affiliated with University Medical Center.
Alan Roundtree
I have worked as a Manager for over the last 22 years in both the Public Sector and Private Sector.
I have varying education from different schools Community College, State College and Technical Trade Schools
Hello folks, I 'm supposed to be on vacation but I find myself sitting in my living room wondering about what I can do. So here I am creating this Blog. Been thinking about doing this for awh...
Bragging Rights:
I have six children. All boys. One grandaughter and another on the way.