3M Health Care
Business Solutions Analyst
Wells Fargo May 2018 - Sep 2018
Tax Accountant
Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc. Feb 2018 - Apr 2018
Tax Preparer
Navegate Mar 2018 - Mar 2018
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Minnesota Department of Transportation May 2017 - Aug 2017
Financial Reporter
Concordia University - St. Paul 2019 - 2021
Master of Business Administration, Masters, Business Administration, Management, Business Administration and Management
Concordia University - St. Paul 2015 - 2018
Bachelors, Bachelor of Business Administration, Financial Management, Accounting, Finance
Microsoft Office Accounting Math Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Tax Preparation Microsoft Dynamics Gp
Outside the ex-wife's house, Ahmed Mohamud, who lives across the street, told the newspaper his wife heard five to six gunshots and called him to come home. When Mohamud arrived, he found the front door of their neighbor's home wide open.
Date: Nov 10, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Portland man faced restraining and stalking orders for escalating threats before ...
Ahmed Mohamud, who lives across the street, said his wife heard five to six gunshots and called him to come home. Mohamud, who drives for Radio Cab, said he raced there from downtown and found the front door of Nicolette Elias' home wide open.
Charges for Ahmed Mohamud and Said Mausud, read that they were found with 15 kilograms of RDX explosives in circumstances which indicated that they were armed with intent to commit a felony otherwise known as grievous harm.